Gatamathi Water and Sanitation Company would wish to clarify to all interested and eligible suppliers that there are no charges of 1,000 (one thousand shillings) for prequalification documents and those downloaded from the company’s website.
Due to the above, the closing date has been extended from 16th June 2014 to 25th June 2014 at 10:00 A.M
Completed tender and pre-qualification documents should be placed in the Tender box located at company’s Head office at Nyakianga. Other details and conditions remain the same.
The General Manager
Gatamathi Water and Sanitation Company
P O Box 93-10204, Kiria-ini
The Tender and pre-qualification document will be opened immediately thereafter at the Company’s Boardroom in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend. The outcome of tenders and prequalification of services will be communicated thereafter.